Firenzo Lady Kitchener Freestanding Wood Burner

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Product Overview

This fire has a large surface area which makes it ideal for larger homes. A cooktop area and the option of a generous hot water heater means you will be ready for the longest winter. Not only is it ECan approved and is CM1 approved for Canterbury, but it also complies with council only permit fires under 0.5g/kg.

The iconic Lady Kitchener is a ULEB and will remain burning overnight.

Fuel type: Wood
Efficiency: 67%
Emissions: 0.5g/kg
Estimated Peak Output: 23kW
Dimensions:  332H x 412W x 330D


Large tile options for side

3kW or 5kW hot water heater - AG or Rural Only

Base options:  legs, pedestal or platform

Silver or black nuts and optional matching rails

Outside air adaptor


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